Today's sketch on SCS was posted early last night but I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to do with it. I finally used the heart from Time Well Spent. It was paper pieced with some designer paper. I decided against a sentiment.
Stamps: Time Well Spent
Paper: soft sky textured, pretty in pink, whisper white, spring silhouettes dp, spring fling dp
Ink: basic black
Accessories: ribbon (offray), dahlia rhinestones (me & my big ideas)
Now for the part you have all been waiting for....blog candy! This is my first time giving away blog candy! Since I am approaching 10,000 hits, it is almost Valentine's Day and I have won some other candy recently, I thought I should share a bit of love!
Here is what YOU could win: a bottle of cotton candy stickles, a package of ghost hearts from Heidi Swapp, a little foam heart box full of chocolate, and a pack of hibiscus rhinestone singles from Me & My Big Ideas.
So what do you have to do? Just leave a comment describing the ideal Valentine's day. Please keep it clean :-)!! I always wake my 3 boys up with heart shaped pancakes and a special Valentine. Then they help me make dad a special dinner with dessert. We are all about food!! :-) Thanks for playing & I look forward to reading your responses! The winner will be picked randomly on Sunday 9pm pacific time.

wow, first to comment?? I do, so very much, enjoy your blog. I, too, and the only "lady" in the house of 3 boys! Wanted to let you know that my ideal Valentine's is very similar to yours. we do heart pancakes in the am, and then prepare supper and dessert (of kids' choice!). Lovin' our boys! Happy Valentines from one chick to another and thanks for a chance at your blog candy! I visit daily, love your creations and style!
Maren, I love the cards you make and check your blog regularly. I love the idea of heart pancakes in the morning. I think I might try that. My ideal Valentine's day would include lots and lots of dark chocolate!!
Funny how my ideal Valentine's has changed since having 4 kiddos! We used to go to fancy restaurents or even spend a weekend at a fancy resort. Now I am just looking foward to making cupcakes with the kids and taking pictures of their cute faces covered in pink frosting!
Maren, love your card. Super use of the sketch challenge. I hope to play later.
Great blog candy too! I would say the perfect Valentine's day would be a chance to spend some time alone with my husband, maybe a date, without the kids. I love my kiddos dearly, but a little peace goes a long way to making a happy mommy! :)
My perfect day would be to spend the day at the spa and then come home to a candlelight dinner of filet mignon waiting on me.Th rest of the evening would be spent watching girly movies with hubby
Ooh, great blog candy! Especially since my ideal V-day includes chocolate! My husband and I always go to a concert or play at the theater we went to on our wedding night since our anniversary is only days after valentine's day! Then we have a nice dinner out and we exchange lovely handwritten cards thanking each other for things throughout the past year. This year I will be thanking him for being such a star during our recent move!
Hi just found your blog and LOVE your cards,thanks for the inspiration
I'll play along and say my ideal valentines day would be to wake up to sunshine, spend the day with my family and a little chocoalte is always nice, Valentines day is also my birthday so it is always pretty special anyway lol, take care XXX
Congrats on the almost 10,000 hits! You deserve it; your blog is great.
My ideal Valentine's Day is just making a really nice dinner w/ my boyfriend, and relaxing and chatting over a glass (or two) of wine.
Flowers and chocolate don't hurt, either! ;)
My perfect Valentine's Day would include frosting some already made heart sugar cookies, a delicious meal by the fire, eating the beautifully decorated sugar heart cookies, and watching a movie!
Congrats on the 10K!!
My perfect Valentine's Day (or ANY day) would be spent at a spa getting pampered non-stop... massage, pedicure, manicure, jacuzzi, all while eating chocolate covered strawberries and sipping Auslese (German sweet white wine)... can't think of ANYTHING better!
Your cards are adorable! Thanks for sharing them. Hmmmm....Valentine's Day would be great if I didn't have to do ANY cooking at all! Lunch out with my sister, dinner out with my hubby, and them home to watch a movie and eat some tiramisu!
My Dad's birthday is on Valentine's day, so we always spent time together as a family and had a meal out or a 'fancy meal' in. Now that I have my own family, I want to keep the tradition of family time together and make it a special day to slow down in this fast paced world.
Congrats on all the hits!!!!! I'm so glad that I discovered your blog because I love your cards.
So, the ideal day would be to wake up and find that dh and the kids had gotten me some gorgeous flowers! Then they'd see the wonderful cards and goodies I'd had time to make them :-) We'd induldge in lots of really high quality chocolate and have no side effects from all the sugar we ate that day.
and to keep it clean, I'd get to end the day with a bubble bath and a glass of champagne and NOT be interrupted :-)
Cute card !
My ideal Valentines day would be to have a nice romantic dinner and evening with my man , with him giving me flowers and then asking me to marry him , but I doubt that's gonna happen , so the best I can hope for is to win some blog candy !
It would be nice if I could get him to make me a card though !
I just found your blog and I love it! :) We don't do much for Valentine's Day here. I have two boys ... so I make them each a valentine and give them some candy. My DH and I don't really do much except exchange cards. Boring ... I know! :)
Soft and so pretty! Nicely done my friend! Your work is always so GORGEOUS!
What great candy! I love your blog and look forward to checking it daily. I would say my ideal Valintine's day would be just to spend the day with my husband and make him a very special dinner. He has been working so much lately I hardly see him.
wonderful card!! as for the perfect v-day......ever since the first year my husband i were together 13 years ago, we celebrate v-day on the 24ish of feb, in college it was a lot cheaper to get everything(cards candy etc) 1/2 off. so continuing our tradition of candy, whtaever is left over for cards and a "fancy" dinner at the olive garden in late feb. is my perfect day
love how this card turned out. Too, funny, I used the same color combo on this same sketch yesterday on SCS. Yours looks great!
ooh fun! well, they just opened a melting pot near us and i've been itching to go there for a few months now. so, my ideal valentine's day was a dinner there tonight (we always like to celebrate early to beat the crowds!) - yummy!
Congrats! You do lovely work! My ideal day would be to have gotten valentines in the mail ON TIME to all my grown children and to receive valentines or e-mails or phone calls from all of them! And maybe lunch out together with my hubby of 32 years...
My perfect Valentines Day would be to sleep in and wake up to my husband and daughter cooking me breakfast, then a trip to the spa for a massage, mani & pedi, and a nice romantic dinner with my husband. You did say perfect Valentine, not what actually happens! Lisa
Ideal Valentine's Day, well let's see... Stamping, delivering Valentine's to my friends and family with chocolate!
I just found your blog today and I have to say great job. You have some really nice things here and some really clear sharp pictures!!! My Valentines Day would just be a movie and a dinner. Nothing to special just as long as we are together as a family. Thanks for letting me play, Kathy Hering...
GOSH!! I didn't even leave a comment for this!! :0 What I usually do for Valentine's Day is have my kids make some hand-made Valentine's for everyone and we toss in a few candies or something and give them out to our loved ones. In the past, I've helped to make Valentine's boxes for school, but they've out-grown pretty all of that, so they settle for home-made pizza and choclates! :) As for me and hubby, I won't go into that!! :)
Congrats on your 10,000 hits!!!! My ideal Valentine day is, just my husband and I, a perfect sitter and a good meal, yeah, we are good eaters LOL.
This year we will go out for dinner, we have the perfect sitter and I hope my DD doesn't get sick, yes that happens any time we go out, maybe she misses mommy and daddy too much??? LOL
Your blog candy is lovely.
Thanks for the chance to participate.
God bless you
Oh Maren they are wonderful giveaways. Thanks for this Candy. I love it.
Sister Sandy
Congrats on the 10,000 hits. My perfect Valentine's Day would be a large bunch of flowers from hubby (usually does that), get mum to babysit and then go out for a lovely meal in the evening. No cooking and no kids - bliss!! Love Denise in the UK
Congratulations on the hits! Valentine's Day would be perfect for me with breakfast in bed and no dishes to do afterwards! Fresh coffe, bucks fizz, croisant and a pretty flower on the tray, not much to ask for really .. ...
I think a wonderful Valentines Day would be a candlelit dinner with a romantic movie afterwards.
You have made some beautiful cards. I went to your galleries and saw many that I loved.
Linda Peterson
The perfect Valentine's Day would be to hire a babysitter, go bowling, and have some pizza. Can you tell that I don't get out much!!!
Cheryl KVD
Since I am a widow, I like to surprise another widow with a valentine treat. Someone did this for me a few years ago and I thought it was such a good idea to pay it forward. Darlene
My ideal valentines would be escaping the winter weather and spending some time away with my hubby on a private beach somewhere hot!!! Thanks for the chance at winning!
Nicole L.
Hi Maren! What a beautiful card--I enjoy your blog so much! Your work is very inspiring! Now, I used to think my dream Valentine's night would be going to a chic and very expensive restaurant for a intimate, romantic dinner with the man I love, BUT...we tried it last year and found out that Valentine's night is an evening for people like me to get ripped off! We had the chic setting, expensive meal and romantic moods were set. However, they had us crammed in there like sardines (unless there's something more tightly crammed than sardines) with extra tables in rows and fold out chairs! We could literally hear every word spoken on either side of us and almost hit elbows with our neighbors! It was more like the family dinner table after sunday church, only with $50 lobster! Needless to say, we now enjoy a nice homemade meal with just the 2 of us. I always love sending valentine's to all my family and friends though and showering my furbaby with valentine gifts, she's my true love besides my dh, hehe! thanks for the fun!
We have a nice dinner and there are little fun things wrapped up at each place setting.
What I'd LIKE to do... go to Paris or Hawaii for the week! :)
I love your pretty card, your great blog name, and congratulations on 10,000 Hits! I'm new here. Everyone is asking this, but some of us are single for Valentines Day! Better to be alone than unhappy I say lol.
When I did have a special person in my life, every day was like Valentines. I don't care for going out to busy places, I'd rather just be at home spending quality time together, talking & connecting, homemade dinner, or order in, snuggling on the couch. I don't need fancy flowers or dinners to prove something 1 day a year. I hope you have a special one! :) bluemoonbynite@yahoo.com
Great blog candy! My ideal Valentines day is to be with my hubbs and have a great dinner out!
Mary Puskar
Oh what a fabulous giveaway!
Hmm, my perfect Val Day, sleep in, go to breakfast, just a leisurely day doing whatever. Just spending time with my DH!
well, your valentines day starts out very similar to mine! i make heart shaped waffles (i have a fab waffle maker for this!) and then my younger girls and i make a bunch of valentines cards to pass out to all the neighbors. later they help me decorate some kind of valentine yummy treat! one year, we made a strawberry bundt cake, frosted it with sugar glaze and dropped valentine "conversation" hearts all over it! it's a fun filled treat day and i can't wait!!
I will make heart pancake and go to pottery and paint as family together... then later at night spend time with my fiance...
As always, your recent creations are beyond fabulous!!! My ideal V-Day would include a Valentine exchange with my 3 little grandchildren and lots of hugs and kisses. Then I'd enjoy going to my favorite Mexican restaurant with my dh. Since See's Candies is right across the street, we'd go there after dinner and each pick out a 1 lb box of all our favorites.
This is a lovely card. I like it! My ideal V day would be a surprise from my hubby. I love surprises! He could do anything at all and I would appreciate it!!
Your card is so lovely,love the color combo!! My perfect V day...I always get my hubby to be away for the afternoon so I can make him a surprise cause he's always having surprises for me all year long.
So I make his fav meal which any kinda of pasta,garlic bread and a special desert. I put a nice soft cd,candle dinner,he just loves that! He's very the romantic type of guy,so I love to spoil him on V day! Hope you have a wonderful Valentine Day and thanks for the chance to win your sweetheart treat!
Beautiful card! I must admit that my ideal Valentine's Day would be to spend the entire day with my DH without any distractions! I would love to either spend our time at home or go somewhere where we could just enjoy each other. Thanks for the chance to win!
Spending a night out with my husband with no kids, that would be heaven!
My ideal V-Day would be not having to cook...my husband taking me out to a nice restaurant (maybe one that we haven't been to before) and then coming home and spending the rest of the evening watching TV or movies together!!! Thanks for the chance! :o)
Cindy Coffman
My ideal Valentines Day would be breakfast in bed with a balloon bouquet...and a candlelight dinner...thanks fo rthe chance at your giveaway...love your cards!
Thanks for offering the candy! My perfect Valentine's Day would be having my hubby home!
Congratulations! My perfect Valentine's Day would be a couple of hours with my husband alone. Our daughter is a little needy right now and we don't have much us time. Thanks for the chance to win the wonderful blog candy.
My perfect Valentines day this year would be a big cut out heart from my son with the first 3 letters of his name witten on it. He has worked so hard the past few months to make progress and he is staring to finally draw pictures. I know that it sounds silly however when your child has autism sometimes it is things that everyone else takes for granted are the things you treasure most! Thanks for the opportunity for some awesome blog candy!
What a lovely blog!! TFS!
My ideal Valentine's Day would involve just being with my DH - anywhere, doing anything. However as he works and we do have 3 children it usually involves flowers being delivered for me as well as other gifts throughout the day. I try to send a little note in our kids lunch boxes as well as as many heart shaped food items as possible (yay for cookie cutters). Then we normally have a family dinner that has a special love dessert that is usually extra special. We use this time to let our children that we love them but also that we love each other a lot as we feel they need to grow in love.
Thanks for such a great idea for blog candy. I love reading all the different ideas.
My perfect Valentines Day would be having my boys,20 and 18 home and spending time with them. Maybe sit by the fireplace and watch a movie. Later in the day my husband and I would go out for a special dinner.
Hi Maren,
My perfect Valentine's day would include making a special chocolate dessert for my family, last year I made flourless chocolate cakes. And the best part, having lots of time to look into my dear husband's dreamy eyes.
Thanks for the chance to win this yummy prize!
My perfect Valentine's Day would be getting a box of copic markers...... that would be so great... then I would know that my husband has been listening to me. No really, the best way to spend the evening would be just having everyone home without having to do anything or be anywhere.... (I have five girls.... and life is moving way to fast!) Thanks for the great blog candy opportunity.
Congrats on all the hits...'love your cards!!
My perfect Valentine's Day would include a great romantic dinner (BBQ steak, & of course chocolate Turtle cheesecake)with my amazing hubby, followed by a movie.
Thanks for this chance to win sweet candy!
~Brenda H.
congrats on all the hits... beautiful card. Well done!
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