Here is the latest on my little guy, Calvin:
We spent the day running around from pediatrician, to ER to pick up x-rays, and then to orthopedic surgeon. Yes, he has a fracture.....that is the final outcome! I am so happy that his elbow is very protected now. He feels much better now that it can't be touched or moved. We will see how the next 3 weeks go! He picked out bright blue and is already taking signatures!! :-)
Sorry I haven't been around to post much or to comment on your beautiful blogs! I promise to get caught up soon!
Yikes Maren! That's a busy day!! Hope your lil guy gets better soon!!
aw, poor little guy :( hope the next 3 weeks fly by!!
Oh no poor little guy! Well all and all it's something that can be mended and like you said at least his elbow is protectd now. Hope the next three weeks go okay for you both.
He looks like he's proud of that cast! Hopefully now he and Mommy can rest a little easier.
The poor little guy
Oh, that's a much happier face than the other day! He's such a doll! Let's see, at this rate, he will maybe have the cast off by the time our shoebox swap mega party! I'll get the all the deets then! BTW, I'm getting super excited, only 3 more weeks! hugs!
wow, you have been busy, he looks happy and adjusted the the cast and taking signatures, that is a good sign.
Well, at least he's all smiles! Hope everything heals up quickly. :)
Love that picture of your son and I can see some signatures already...cute!
Awww, poor kid! I hope the next few weeks go smoothly and he heals up fast!
What a cutie! Poor little guy! Glad he's feeling much better with the cast protecting his elbow. Hope the next 3 weeks go by fast!
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