225 Cards & Gifts! 225? Amazing!! I can't wait to get my hands on this issue. The cover itself is inspiring and yummy! Don't you love the color combo?
Handmade gifts are priceless and I am always on the lookout for new ideas. :)
Speaking of gifts, a student in my night class just had a baby boy. He is SO CUTE!
I used the Bungle Jungle line from Sassafras Lass to make a gift set for her. Do you recognize the color combo? ;-)
The card is a gift cardholder. All you have to do is pull the ribbon and the gift card slides right out from behind the monkey.
I just love how this little box came out. Check out those handles! They were made from stickers.
I made a set of quick cards for her too. They coordinate with the other items and could easily be used as 'Thank You' cards.
You are not going to believe this but you have 12 chances to win one of these: Cricut Expression, YourStory Laminator/Binder, or a Yudu Screen-Printing Machine. Amazing, isn't it?
So what do you have to do? It is easy....just comment on 12 blogs. The winners will be announced on both the Moxie Fab World & PC Connection blogs on Tuesday, April 28th.
Here are the other 11 blogs:
So....don't forget to comment here too! You want to increase your odds!! :) Leave a comment and tell me about the most memorable gift that you have recieved.
1 – 200 of 827 Newer› Newest»Wow! I like this gift set! Your box is incredible!!!!
I'm an aunt of 6, soon to be 7, and I adore my little nieces and nephews soo much. The most precious gift I ever received was a drawing from my oldest nephew, which was a simple, red heart on a white background. When giving it to me, he simply said "this is for YOU auntie!" *heartbreaker*
The most memorable gift that I have recieved is the first gift of my husband - an umbrella. This was his first gift for me. It's 8 years old now!
Awwwww this little set is ADORABLE! I love the monkey gift card holder. Too precious and fun.
My most memorable gift is a really recent one from this Christmas. My hubby gave me a cruise! I had an extremely tough 2008, so it was an awesome gift and was seriously the best vacation I've ever been on!
What fabulous giveaways!! The most memorable gift I ever recieved was at Christmas time, when I was in college many years ago. My Dad has recently passed away, but I will never forget. I was financially down & out and all the presents had been opened underneath the tree. My Dad took my hand & walked me out to their front porch. On it were 4 large cloth covered gifts! I just couldn't imagine what they were...
4 BRAND NEW WINTER STUDDED SNOW TIRES!!!! I had no money for winter tires and he got me a really good set! I can remember how special this was to me, but the biggest gift was the card he attached..."you are so precious to me, I want to keep my little girl safe! Merry Christmas with all my love, Dad. That meant so much to me, then & now. And yes, 25 years later & I still have that card!!
I am loving that box. Oh so cute!!!
My most memorable gift was from my husband last year for our 1st wedding anniversary. Being paper he got me a voucher for a scrapbooking shop. How thoughtful and well thought, considering I don't get anything for my birthdays! :o)
Love that, so cute...
My memorable gift was my Canon 400 EOS from hubby for my birthday.
what a great gift package - and the note cards are TOO cute. well, the whole project is too cute. love the monkeys :)
This Package is amazing and thanks for the other blogs list. They are very helpful.
Wow I love that set of tower boxes, I must get into altering things more.
Probably the most memorable gift I've received is a pastel picture of a rose done by my sister. She had made it in secret and had my dad frame it for her so she could give it to me. I absolutely love homemade gifts or gifts with such thought put into them.
I loved the card & little bunch of flowers my great nephew (4yr old) gave me when I fractured my wrist. It was so sweet. HCJC.
most memorable gift i received would probably be my slice. :)
most memorable gift would have to be a surprise birthday party - gian de la rama
The most incredible gift....would have to be a yellow lab puppy I received in college.
These projects are just adorable. And the most memorable gifts for me as those that come from the heart.
Wow this is just adorable. I think my most memorable gifts that I get are the little handmade gifts that my kids make.
For our first wedding anniversary my darling husband commissioned an artist to do a huge sketch of me. I normally hate photos of myself, but this is super special.
What adorable projects, Maren! I'm lovin' that color combo!
On my 16th birthday, my mom gave me a little pair of diamond stud earrings. That was MANY years ago, but I still have them!
I have received beautiful cards...some of my fav are from Shirley, Claudia and Suzy. Wonderful talented ladies. YOur gift is fantastic. I love the chest of drawers.
Hi Maren! your creations are just gorgeous! My most memorable gift was the first time I got flowers from my hubby...there were only 3, but the represented the words, "I love you"-I still cry when he gives me flowers!!!
My most memorable gift was hand knit clothes for my Barbie one Christmas. Looking back I can appreciate all the time and love that went into that gift.
The most memorable gift I was given is the birth of my children.
Very cute gift set! ...and what a fabulous set of prizes!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My most memorable gifts are not material. They are unexpected loving acts from my family and friends.
I think the most memorable gift that I've ever received was my engagement ring from my DH - he was incredibly romantic when he purposed! Love your box and the cards - you rock!
Holy Moly! Moxie Fab is wonderful! Maren your box and cards are amazing! I'm so jealous of your talent!
Love your projects!! Great! My most memorable.. hmm...I think my mickey mouse musical watch :)
Thanks for the great chance to win. I love homemade presents and I remember years back I received a cute bunny sewn by a good friend who has a lot of kids and still took the time to make me such a great present. I still have the bunny.
Hi there.. I don't tend to get allot of gifts, but recently I go a camera from my boyfriend and it was very thoughtful of him because I love love photography..
Thanks for the chance to win :)
I have received so many that I find it hard to choose. The gifts that you know came straight from the heart are the ones that touch me the most!
The best gift I ever received was some art supplies given to me by my then boyfriend, now husband, in college. He new I was to cheap to buy them for myself! He was and is still so sweet!
Thanks for the chance to enter! One of the most memorable gifts I received is the Lane cedar chest I got for my 21st birthday from my parents. Great projects and thanks for inpsiring me today!
your set is amazing, congratulations!! I love the colours!!
hugs from italy
It was a beautiful necklace from my parents.
And great work! I love the little monkey. Cute!
I have rec'd many memorable gifts but the first one that came to mind was a gift I rec'd from my father. My dad really didn't want me to get my ears pierced when I was 12 but he then turned around and bought me a pair of gold earrings....what a wonderful surprise...he was the most sweet, kind hearted person I have ever known.
I love your box set....I just have to do something like this! My most memorable gift I received was a few years ago I lost a diamond from my wedding ring, so my husband had it replaced for our anniversary, but he Said "isn't that box kind of heavy?" so I looked and there was a beautiful HUGE new diamond ring besides the one he had fixed...speechless..thats all I can say!
Sah-wheet!!! I'm a huge fan of sassafras...what a fab gift!!!
What cute colorful projects - love 'em!! My most memorable gift was from my husband for our anniversary - a surprise weekend away (I totally didn't see it coming - I've never been so surprised!) Thanks for a chance to win!
Your friend is going to LOVE your gift; what a great idea!
Beautiful work Maren! I love the storage box--it makes a great gift.
Wow! Your project just knocked my socks off. Just lovely! Hmmm... most memorable gift RECEIVED? A hand-made macaroni necklace from my 5-year old daughter.
That monkey is so cute, great set!
My most memorable gift was the birth of my daughter. Getting pregnant is not an easy thing for me to do. There are alot of complications, loosing of a few pregnancies, but after all that, I have the most beautiful little girl. It was all worth it.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Those adorable monkeys are everywhere!! I cant wait to get this book!
LOVE your project! My favorite gifts are little acts of kindness when you're not expecting them!
That monkey is adorable! Going to a Red Sox game is my most memorable gift. -Molly B
I grew up on a dairy farm in Minnesota, and those cows called to be milked early every morning and again each evening. I road a bus to school for 12 years (first third one on and next to last one off each day). When I was in high school, my dad picked me up from school one day (for some unremembered reason). I begged to go to an Elvis movie that had just come to town. He actually took me and ended up going home and milking those cows until midnight (while I slept and didn't even help him). I still remember that as a wonderful gift at great sacrifice to him (and those cows).
Absolutely adore your Monkey Themed gift idea. My nephew would love this. Also, such a great giveway. Thanks for another chance to win!
Your projects are soooo cute. I just love what you did!
The most memorable gift I received was/is one of unconditional love from my adoptive parents. Have a wonderful day! ~Amy Tara~
I love your gift set. That girl is soo lucky. The monkeys are adorable! My most memorable gift was when my husband surprised me with a Mother's ring. Diamonds are my kid's birthstones and it was only because I was being so supportive about a new job he was taking. It made me feel so special.
WoW Maren!
This is one amazing give. I just love the colors and that monkey is to darn cute. Thanks for this fabulous and inspiring eye candy. I would have to say memorable gifts would be the ones my daughters made me when they were young. Thanks so much for another chance at this awesome celebration candy.
this is so cute!!! I love the color combo! The best gift I ever got was when I was12 and got my first handmade journal. I think that is when my love of crafting sparked!
The most memorable gift was from my husband on the Valentine's Day before my daughter was born.
my most memorable gift was a necklace my husband gave me in honor of my children's birthdates with little booties. it has their birthstones in the booties.
love your projects. they are totally precious!
Most memorable gift was the song my dh wrote, sang and put on a cassette tape for me the first Christmas we were "together" but we weren't spending the holiday together... well, or the surprise trip to NYC for my 30th bday he also gave me!
My most memorable gift was from my husband. He was away on a military deployment. When he returned he had bought me the most beautiful ring. It was completely unexpected and I cherish it.
My most memorable gift was the first digital camera my husband gave me. It was the first time he got me a gift I would really want and I didn't even need to hint to him what I wanted!
This is fun! I really cannot think of just one memorable gift, but I can tell you that when my girls started making Mother's Day gifts in school and so proudly giving them to me on Mother's Day, I would cry every single time! It really touches my heart when I receive a handmade gift. Seeing my beautiful girls and their pride shining through and the excitement that they felt about what they had made . . . who needs anything else? Your baby gifts are AMAZING! I love the color combination, and it's not only gorgeous, it's all very practical. Wonderful! Have a great weekend!
Holly cow!! What an amazing prize giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
The most memorable gift I have received was an engagement ring for my birthday!
WOW... amazing for me my most memoriable gift so far has been my laptop my mom got me a year ago.. I LOVE MY BABY! lol.. I do everything with it and can take her anywhere! Everytime I talk to my (which is 4-5x a day) I always say THANNNNKKK YOU For my baby! Ha...
My most memorable gift of late is the DSLR camera my husband gave me last year for Christmas.
for our anniversary a couple years my husband gave me a little (pocket-size) heart digital photo frame and he made text images alternate with the photos telling me what was so special about each photo to him. i love it.
Looove that set! How cute and fun!
My mom memorable gift would have to be my 2 girls! =)
Danielle Flanders
What a cute gift set! I love the color combos you used and straight from the cover! Awesome! Thanks for sharing and for all the fun!
Oh I think your student will love this gift set. I think it's adorable! I love to give special one of a kind gifts to family and friends. I always remember my the first time my daughter told me she loved me. That was the greatest gift to me. I remember the her face, her hug and how amazing it made me feel. A wonderful gift that I can never buy or duplicate.
As a child it was definitely the 'Barbie Dream House' for Christmas. It has been my favorite gift by far...thanks! Lisa K in tx
Hi Maren, what a gorgeous set - your friend will be so happy to get it. Your work is beautiful.
My best ever gift was one that money could not buy. In 2006 my 18 year old son was almost killed in a car accident, and was in hospital for 13 months. Amongst his many injuries was severe brain damage. We were told that as a result of his brain damage he would never speak again. On Mother's Day that year, several months after his accident I went into his hospital room and as I went over to hug him in his wheelchair he said his first words: "Hello Mum, I love you." . . . . such precious words, and a gift beyond price!
Hugs, Anne. dinkuminkum at yahoo dot co dot nz.
I love those cards - I never thought about using the edges of the Sasafrass paper on cards!!!
My most memorable gift would have to be on my wedding day. My husband to be, knew how much of a purse fanatic I am, and always gave me a hard time about having so many. But on our wedding day, he gave me a purse that he had gone and picked out himself. I just thought that was so sweet! It's a purse I'll keep forever!
I love that box you've made!
Does my engagement ring count? My husband picked out the most fiery diamond because that's what he thought most resembled me. I'm reminded of that every time it sparkles in the sun :)
First let me say! CUTE!!!! so cute! Love the gift card! My most memorable gift was my engagement ring from my husband....he was so romantic when he gave it to me! I think of that time each time I look at my finger!
Thanks for the chance to win such fab prizes!!!
I just got the best gift ever for Christmas this year. I collect the Harley Davidson Barbie Dolls, which they only made for five years. They are rare. Anyway, I had the last four, but not the first edition. My wonderful boyfriend who lives in another state, whom I don't even remember telling that I had this collection, stashed away in a very safe place, found me the first edition and had his dad give it to me for Christmas. I was in Awe....
Whoa, I love this set!! Sassafrass = love!! =) Thanks for sharing!
I guess mymost memorable gift would be one Christmas that my daughter gave me this huge Santa holding an ark and all the animals. Must have been 3' tall. Wowzer!
LOVE the monkey card!!!! My most memorable gift has to be a dollhouse that my dad built for me as a little girl from designs that he drew (he was an architect). It is a treasured item that hopefully will stay in the family for a long, long time!
so funny!!!
Your projects are amazing! That box is wonderful and the monkey!!!! LOVE HIM!
Hi Maren!
What a great baby gift...love those bright colors :)
The most memorable gift that I have received is my rocking chair. It was a wedding gift from my mom & dad.
that monkey is so cute! what a great idea - thanks for sharing - the best gift I have received - this is going to be corny but having the ability to be able to be a mom to 3 wonderful kids - even with all the ups and downs - I have to say I am blessed.
Wow, what cute projects! Thanks for the chance to win such great gifts!
Most memorable gift...I've been fortunate to receive many lovely gifts in my life but the gift that stands out is a doll my mother bought me when I was a kid. I wanted that doll so bad it's all I could think about and she surprised me with it. It's been 30 years and I still remember that doll.
My most memorable gift was a precious Mother's Day card MADE by my 23-year old son who is a policeman. It was something totally unexpected, but so close to my heart!
Cute as always!
The most memorable gift I received was a cut crystal heart shaped jewelry box. I was 11 years old and was so thrilled that someone would give something so beautiful to ME! Looking back it probably wasn't worth much at all, but I loved it and at the time it was worth so much.
I love your monkey card, it is so cute! I will have to show my son, he thinks he has a monkey brain. LOL!
Thanks, Maren for sharing your creativity! I enjoy seeing your work in the mags!
The most memorable gift would have to be my proposal from my hubby! It was on "Perfect Proposal" on TLC and I could never forget it!
My most memorable gift is a ring from my grandmother. I wasn't the oldest but her favorite. Now she is gone, but I still have the ring to remember that day.
Beautiful set! My most memorable "gift" would be my daughters.
LOVE your cute set! The most memorable gift I have received was the firt birthday gift my husband gave me after we were married. It is a silver cross necklace that he picked out himself! It is beautiful and I am still wearing it more than 10 years later.
That's adorable! Most memorable gift? My beautiful promise ring that my "special someone" gave me almost 2 years ago at a superbowl party. =)
The most memorable gift I have ever received was really any little gift from my 4 year old! Drawings, dandilions from the yard! They are all priceless
What cute projects!
WOW Maren, totally AWESOME creaions!!!
Most memorable gift.....DH surprised me w/ some earrings...totally unexpected and for no reason at all! :)
Wow, I love your projects! The most memorable gift I received was about 50 envelopes all in a box with personal notes and money in them for Christmas one year.
Beautiful projects! My greatest gift has been my husband and children - what else is there? :)
Maren, these gifts you've created have your talented little self all over them. I am so excited that the world is getting to know Maren!
My greatest gift--the gift of teaching.
Hi Maren! I love your gift set...it is so adorable! The monkey is so cute and the box turned out great. I would have to say that the most memorful gift that I recvd would be my engagement ring :), as well as a lamb puppet that my grandmother gave to some 2nd cousins years back that was given to me when she passed so I can give it to my children some day.. I feel like I have a gift from her & that my baby will have a little piece of her even though she has left us. I had a thing for lambs at that time so when they handed it to me I felt like it was a sign of sorts.
These projects are just adorable. The most memorable gift I have to say a little teddy bear from my daughter for Christmas, that I have to brought for myself because it was on her list to Santa.
Love the box...it's so cute! My most memorable gift came from my daughter when she was about 6. It was a glass rose in a velvet box.
Wow Maren, you rock! I love this set. It is so cute. Fab job!
Wow what a giveaway! Most memorable gift: A little booklet my hubby made with 100 reasons why he loves me. So thoughtful and touched my heart.
Wow love the box those colors are darling!! My most memorable gift was my anniversary ring DH got me for our 10th wedding anniversary along with a dozen roses so unexpected and so perfect!
The drawers are so cute!!!
The most memorable gifts are always the homemade ones. My sis in law has made so many lovely things over the years. She is a talented knitter and sewer and I love being the recipient of her creations.
I love the little boxes. So cute :) Thanks for the chance to win!
The most memorable is the diamond, green amthyst(however you spell it) that my husband gave me. He had it hanging in the tree. I didn't think he had a gift for me because his brother passed away 2 days before Christmas. It was a very hard time and he still powered through for me and the kids. (I'm crying now thinking about it) What a wonderful man he is!!!!
Fabulous projects...love the monkey! For my 16th birthday, my parents gave me a cedar (hope) chest. They had my uncle make it, and he used cherry wood from my grandpa's bush for the outside box. It holds so many treasures!
What an incredible gift - she must be soo excited for it! The most incredible gift I've gotten is a surprise bday party thrown by my fiance. He had friends come in from other cities and got them all together without any suspicion from me. It was so thoughtful and I had so much fun!
the most memorable gift i have received in my lifetime..is the gft of my child..
my husband and i adopted my daughter ..in colombia, south america..
when she was handed to us for the very first time....as an infant...we knew that there was no greater gift in life..than than that little baby.
15 years later..i hold that thought in my hear...
I just love your color combo. I love bright colors like that. It just seems to make you happy. Thanks for the chance to win the fabbo prizes.
Awesome gift set!
My favorite gift was a camera and photo printer that my sister gave me. She knew my camera was crap and I am an avid scrapbooker. It was so thoughtful.
mmmm hubby bought me a huge lot of cuttlebug stuff from ebay:)He's so good to me!
Those boxes are stinkin' CUTE!! (and I LOVE the monkey card!!....Acutally it's all adorable!)...most memorable gift? Possibly the quilts that others have made me, starting with the one my grandmother gave to me (she had actually made it for herself, but decided to give it to me) and ending with the little "car seat" ones that a dear friend made for each of my boys (in between would be the quilt that my cousin cross stitched when my oldest was born, and the special one another cousin sent after my mom passed away....soo much time/love put into the blankets to wrap around one's heart!)
Your box is amazing! So bright and cheerful, love it! My most memorable gift I have received was the cedar chest that my mother-in-law gave me. She notices that I was holding on to a lot of keepsakes from the kids and she just wanted for me to have a place for everything. I love it. Thanks for a chance at winning.
Love your project - that monkey is just too cute! I still have the "I{heart}Mom" pin my son bought me many Christmases ago at the school's holiday fair - it's lost much of the "gold" but it still warms my heart (he is a jr in college now). Thanks for the chance to win! Marta
Gorgeous ensemble, love your work!!
Most memorable gift.... after returning home from a year long study abroad program in the south of France, my parents bought me a {used} car! Fabulous memory!!
OMG soooo cute, I wish I needed a baby gift, lol. Love the colors.
When my husband and i were dating in college, for my birthday he went out and bought me a claude monet print, framed it, wrote a sweet note on the back of it and put it in my room to find after our date...it was really sweet of him because i was an art history major and monet was one of my favorite painters. One of those thoughtful gifts. :)
Such cute projects Mauren!! WOW!
I love Paper Crafts Mag., and it is nice to have the possibility of winning.
and old cookie jar. It was my great grandma's and then my mothers, who passed when I was 12. My father had it burried in the basement for my upbringing and then at my wedding shower, he had it wrapped and delivered. I cried like a baby:)
My most memorable gift was a wooden music box shaped like a castle with drawbridge that opened to the musical theme from Camelot! My darling husband started me collecting music boxes (and sometimes wishes he didn't!)
Wow your gift is amazing!!
The most memorable gift I've gotten has been the things my daughter brings me from school!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
Holy Moly girl! I LOVE this set! Seriously SO CUTE! Lynn :)
I could just SCReaM! I am so grateful for even the chance to win these faNTastic prizes. WOW! MY head is spinning just thinking about it. You gals sure do know how to get teh excitement going! You are ALL so talented, AMAZING, and FUN! I have had a blast with you this week! Thank U! (I am hooked!) Ramona West
Gorgeous work! The most memorable gift I have ever received is a quilt from my mom. She put so much time and love into it, and you can feel the love when the blanket's keeping me warm. :) Thanks for the chance to win!
What a cute gift set. I just love the little box. It is too darn cute. My most memorable gift has to be my family! My wonderful husband, beautiful daughter and new baby to be in November!
My most memorable gift was a wedding ring my dh MADE from scrap silver to replace the one I lost. What a sweetie!
Lovely projects, Maren.
What a wonderful gift set! Very cute! A memorable gift was a box that my friend covered with scrapbook paper and filled with lots of little treasures. I still love looking at the box.
Rachel S
Spooner, WI
This is such an adorable project! TFS.
Just GORGEOUS!!!! Looove the little dresser. I would have to say my most memorable gift was a handmade, altered notebook I received in a secret sister swap. It is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Thanks for the chance to win an AWESOME goodie!!!!!
Your gift set is sooo cute! Love the bright & fun colours! I'm sure they will LOVE it!! :)
The most memorable gift I have received would have to be.. hmmm.. i'd say the hand painted jewelry box my oldest dd made for me YEARS ago... :) Still using it!!
Wonderful colors - So Cheerful!
I love the set! That paper line is adorable.
My most memorable gift is probably a blog book that my husband had made for me. I had talked a little about blog books and the next thing I knew, I had one for my birthday. It was really sweet (and I knew he was actually listening to me!).
The most memorable gift is a most recent one. My husband gave me 2 gift cards to local scrapping stores and I was in Heaven! Thanks for a chance to win!
What a cute gift set!
My most memorable gift would be tickets to a Keith Urban concert and dinner at one of my favorite restaurants! I
wow... that is so cute. Love it. My most memorable gift was my cricut given to me by my mom and husband. It was a wonderful present and so loved.
Hi Maren, Love your monkey gift card! thanks for the chance to win!
Oh my gosh...your creations are amazing!!!
I love the monkey!! I think my most prized gifts are the flowers my kids pick for me. The more dried up and brown,half dead flower...the better!
FABULOUS Maren!!! What an adorable gift!!!!
Love the monkey! Too cute for words. My most memorable gift would have to be s kitchen clipboard that my sister made for me ... I love anything handmade and she did such an awesome job. It makes me smile everytime I look at it.
Although I knew this gift was coming, I could not have known the joy that she would bring. After 17 years we finally brought a beautiful baby girl into the world on December 23rd! What better Christmas gift!
Your card set, box and gift card holder are incredibly cute! Thanks for sharing.
I'm not go good at challenges, but I do love the Hops! What fun. And what a fantastic win if I get the Cricut Expression!!
The most memorable gift I received is a cross-stitch wall hanging my friend made me.
My youngest daughter wrote me a song and sang it for me - in front of the whole family! Unforgettable!
Oh look at that drawer tower - that is bright and fun and very very cool!
My most memorable gift was a journal my hubby gave me right before our wedding! What an AMAZING giveaway! Thanks!
My most memorable gift was given to me by my mother on Christmas Eve 1989. She had passed away earlier in the day from her 8 yr. battle with cancer. I was 7 and 1/2 mos. pregant at the time. That night my oldest sister gave me the gift from my mother. It was a beautiful pale pink outfit to bring home my daughter in from the hospital after her birth. My mother was the most unselfish person I have ever known. Even while she was dying she was thinking of me.
What a great gift for a new baby! It's hard to say the most memorable gift I received - all of them are special in different ways. I think the most memorable is probably a lava lamp Santa got me for Christmas because my Dad was so excited he picked something out (instead of my Mom) and then I guessed what it was while it was wrapped! He was so surprised I guessed it although he was a bit disappointed that it wasn't a big surprise to me!
The most memorable gift would have to be my leather rocker recliner my in laws bought for me. My FIL just called me up one day lat August when I was extremely pregnant and hot and asked if I knew what day it was, and I answer "uh, Friday?" He then replies, "It's Ashley Harris appreciation day." He took me to the furniture store and let me pick out any recliner I wanted. It was the best!
Very cool! LOVE the color combos! THANKS!
Great project Maren,
the greatest gift I've ever received is my wonderful loving husband. He is my number 1 fan, the most amazing father and my best friend. He truly is a gift from above. Thanks for the chance to win some amazing goodies.
Love your projects. The most memorable gifts I have received are the beautiful wildflowers and baby pinecones my boys used to bring me when they were little.
Love the bungle jungle paper--and the monkey gift card is adorable!!!
That's a nice drawer thingy you made there! Love it! I wish I actually got projects like that finished instead of just dreaming of them! XD
i love all the projects that you did! The most memorable gift I ever got was from my hubby - it was our 2nd or 3rd anniversary and he bought me my first Coach bag - that I had showed him in the window at the Coach store! It was a HUGE surprise because we were NOT exchanging gifts that year!
What an adorable gift set. Love the fun colors too! One of the most memorable gifts that I received would be my little girl. She's the best gift God has ever given me and I love her to bits!
My daughter has scrapbooked for many years. I bought her a cricut about 4 yrs. ago. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever see me making anything. This past Christmas she bought ME a Cricut. Now we scrap together. Love all you ladies. Super artists.
My most memorable gift would be the gifts my kids made when they were in elementary school. Loved seeing those clay projects and the huge smiles on their faces when I opened them.
I love the gift you made! There is nothing better than homemade gifts! I recieved a scrapbook from my sister in law that had all the pages done like a quilt. It is so special to me!!
your work is fantastic!!!!
My bf surprised me with a pair of diamond earrings on our anniversary. It was ver sweet & unexpected. :)
Love those projects that you made. They are fabulous. Most memorable gift, is a rose that my husband gave me. It is silk and it came with a note telling me that he will love me until the last petal falls from the rose. (which will never happen, so he will love me forever) Ahhhhh!
I gift card holder. I can't wait to make it. Thanks so much. The most memorable gift would be my wedding ring. cheryl hancock
I love what you did with the Sassafrass Lass! That set is just adorable! I can't wait to try & duplicate your GC holder! Fun!
I know it might sound cheezie or like I'm sucking up, but the best gift I've ever received is my little girl! After 3 years of trying & 6 miscarriages, she was lucky number 7! She's now 3 & keeps me super busy, but also is an endless source of scrapbooking material!!
Thanks for the chance!
My favorite gifts to receive are the ones that are "homemade". I appreciate and cherish the time and care involved in making things from scratch.
Thanks for the chance to win!
These gifts are ADORABLE! Oh how I love that Bungle Jungle paper! My most favorite gift I have received was a song my husband wrote for my oldest son....he wrote it, arranged it, and recorded it on a CD for me that I opened on Mother's Day. I cried, it was just too sweet!
The most memorable gift I have received was a clock my daughter made me for Christmas this year. She scrapbooked it and added pictures of family and friends--I just love seeing it every day. Love your gift set you made--how clever.
One of my most memorable gifts was a sketch book I received for my 13th birthday from my mom. It became my mission to fill that book with all sorts of portraits and doodles. I was kind of sad once I did finally fill it.
what a great gift for your student. Love your ideas. Like so many others, at this point in my life my most memorable gifts are the unexpected thoughtful gifts from my boys, 20 & 23.
The most memorable gift I ever received was a scarf that my daughter hand knit for me--it was beautiful!
This is a difficult question... I think my wonderful nikon camera that my husband gave me for my wedding gift!
First time to your blog -- won't be the last! I love what you did with such beautiful papers! My most memorable gift was not really a paper crafting gift, but it was from my girl scout troop -- they made me a sweatshirt with all their names -- and the title Queen Mary -- so that's what I use! :)
What wonderful inspiration pieces. I can't wait to get to some of them, especially the quick cards set! TFS.
I love these projects!
My sweet husband has given me lots of memorable gifts over the years, but I have to say he really outdid himself this year. For Valentine's, he gave me the gift of a housecleaning service for a year!! Now there's a man who knows how to make his wife smile!
What a cute gift set! Love the monkey card and fun colors.
I love your gift set and thanks for the chance to win some great gifts!
The most memorable gift that I have received would be the pillow my cousin embroidered for our wedding gift.
Good grief! These are incredible! I love these and may have to copy them for my cousin.
Oh my goodness...what fabulous projects!! Adorable!! My most memorable gift?? My DH wrote a song for me and sang it to me when he proposed. *swoon* The bestest gift ever! :)
Gorgeous gift set! Love your cards - simple but elegant - I have been inspired :)
Most memorable gift? A pond making kit my husband gave me - sadly we left it behind in our old yard. I still have one of fish with me.
These are awe inspiring. My most memorable gift was a collaged picture frame my daughter created of herself and her two brothers. Nothing like getting pictures of your children!
The most memorable gift I recieved is a heart shaped engraved box with a watch inside from my parents for my graduation.
What a beautiful gift set - I love it! My most memorable gift was the $1 bill my 2 year old daughter took out of her bank, wrapped up and gave to me for my birthday. I still have it in my jewelry box - I could NEVER spend it...it's worth so much more than a dollar. :o)
The most memorable gift I ever received was a brand-new flute for Christmas from my parents when I was in junior high school.
My most memorable gift is a quilt
made for me by my grandmother. I'll treasure it always. Thanks for the opportunity! Diane
The most memorable gift I ever received was a lovely framed print that was much more expensive than anything my parents ever bought for Christmas presents. I had been oohing over it for months but had no idea they would ever buy it for me.
What a beautiful gift you have created for that special baby boy!
The most memorable gift I ever received was a blanket made for My Husband and I for our wedding. A great friend of the family took the time to make a blessing blanket for us- 3 years later we are still happily married with no complaints ;)
My most memorable gift was a little treasure hunt my children set up for me. It wasn't even on my birthday or any special occasion. My husband and I had to go to a meeting and when we came home they surprised us with the treasure hunt that led us all over the house with notes and little handmade gifts that they had left for us. That was fifteen years ago and I still have all the little notes and gifts. I adore the gift set you made! She is sure to love it! I would love a chance to win the cricut expression!
What awesome projects! Consider yourself CASED!!!
My most memorable gift to me would have to be my three sons. I consider them a gift because they are so special and are so much a part of just who I am.
thanks much
My most precious gifts are my 2 yummy lil boys! Life is so much better with sticky fingerprints all over the place ;)
Your gift set is so adorable! I'm sure she is going to love it so much that she won't want to part with the Thank you's, lol!
I would love a chance to win the Cricut, or the Laminator! I have fallen in love with making my own books - they would both add so much!
Thank you :*)
Amazing opportunities to win and such adorable projects you've posted. Thanks so much for inspiring.
Super cute projects! My most memorable gift is when my teen daughter burned a cd for me of my favorite songs! She went through a lot of trouble and it really meant a lot!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My Mom made a quilt for my Baby Boy; He is 35 years old now and I hope to pass it to my GD one day.
a draw made by my little boy
the most fabulous gift for me...
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